
Google Deindexing March 2024 Update

Google’s Core Update Completely Deindexes Sites

Understanding the Core Update and Website Deindexing In March 2024, Google unleashed one of its most significant algorithm updates to date—the March 2024 Core Update, which resulted in massive deindexing (removing pages or entire websites from the search engine). This seismic shift left business owners, marketers, and SEO experts reeling as they grapple with its …

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Schema Markup

What Is Schema Markup?

In the realm of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), staying ahead of the curve is everything. One potent tool that often flies under the radar but holds immense potential for boosting your website’s visibility is Schema Markup. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what this term means and how it can significantly …

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Conversion Rate Optimization

How To Use Conversion Rate Optimization for Maximum Success 

In digital marketing, optimization strategies play a pivotal role in maintaining focus and achieving desired outcomes. Among these strategies, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a vital tool in the marketer’s arsenal. (If you’re a Chief Revenue Officer, I hope the shared initialism isn’t confusing – hopefully this info will still be useful!) If you’d prefer …

How To Use Conversion Rate Optimization for Maximum Success  Read More


How To Increase Web Traffic

Recently, we at Market Vantage have been working on giving our website a facelift, both on page and behind the scenes. We dug up some of the search phrases people typed into Google that brought them to our site. We’ll be addressing many common SEO questions in upcoming blog posts (we’ve got plenty of other articles to help you master Google …

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User avatars.

Should Your Business Use a CRM?

Over the years, a wide variety of tools, from Outlook add-ons to the humble spreadsheet, have been pressed into service by organizations seeking to stay in touch with past or present customers or track prospects. One solution in vogue since the mid-1980s is the customer relationship management system, or CRM.   So, what exactly does a CRM do, and how can it help your business?    What Is a …

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Image of Handicap icon surrounding by floating marketing icons like a computer, smartphone, camera, etc. representing website accessibility

Does Your Website Meet Basic Accessibility Requirements?

The Importance of Website Accessibility in 2019 In October of 2019, the pizza company Domino’s was denied a hearing by the Supreme Court, leaving in place a decision by a lower court that a lack of accessibility for sight-impaired users on Domino’s website “…impedes access to the goods and services of its physical pizza franchises—which …

Does Your Website Meet Basic Accessibility Requirements? Read More

Vector graphic of security guard watching man use computer safely

Are You CCPA-Compliant?

What is the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA)? The state of California recently passed a law requiring that certain businesses “… would grant a consumer a right to request a business to disclose the categories and specific pieces of personal information that it collects about the consumer, the categories of sources from which that information …

Are You CCPA-Compliant? Read More