Internet Marketing Resources

These digital marketing resources provide instruction, tips and tools to help you develop and implement an effective website marketing strategy.

Glossary: Marketing Terms

Heard some jargon lately? Not sure what it means? Here’s where to go for an explanation in plain English.

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Three Things You Can Do Right Now to Boost Your Digital Marketing 

In 2024, digital marketing is not a luxury for your business—it’s a necessity. Whether you’re a small business owner, a startup founder, or part of a larger organization, optimizing your online presence can significantly impact your success.   Let’s explore three actionable strategies that you can implement immediately to enhance your digital marketing efforts.  1. Refocus Your SEO Game  Keyword Research and Optimization  Keyword research…

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Google’s Core Update Completely Deindexes Sites

Understanding the Core Update and Website Deindexing In March 2024, Google unleashed one of its most significant algorithm updates to date—the March 2024 Core Update, which resulted in massive deindexing (removing pages or entire websites from the search engine). This seismic shift left business owners, marketers, and SEO experts reeling as they grapple with its impact on search rankings, traffic, and visibility.  The Core…

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Google Deindexing March 2024 Update

What Is Schema Markup?

In the realm of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), staying ahead of the curve is everything. One potent tool that often flies under the radar but holds immense potential for boosting your website’s visibility is Schema Markup. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what this term means and how it can significantly elevate your website presence.  Understanding Schema Markup  In simple…

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Schema Markup

HubSpot Content Hub: An Overview 

HubSpot’s Content Hub emerged in April 2024 as a robust solution for marketers seeking to navigate the complexities of content creation, distribution, and personalization. The Hub comprises a number of tools intended to help users build more efficient and organized content pipelines for their businesses. Let’s explore the Content Hub’s features, benefits, use cases, and limitations.  Content Hub Features and Uses  Content Creation and Personalization …

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Hubspot Content Hub

Understanding Google’s Consent Mode

Google’s Consent Mode represents a fundamental shift in the relationship between the advertiser and consumer. Its new marketing controls and audience opt-in system are intended to balance power between users and the parties collecting & utilizing their data, but businesses who fail to understand its complexity will miss valuable advertising opportunities.  Digital Marketing and Privacy Controls  Collection and utilization of user data are fundamental…

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Google Consent Mode

How To Use Conversion Rate Optimization for Maximum Success 

In digital marketing, optimization strategies play a pivotal role in maintaining focus and achieving desired outcomes. Among these strategies, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a vital tool in the marketer’s arsenal. (If you’re a Chief Revenue Officer, I hope the shared initialism isn’t confusing – hopefully this info will still be useful!) If you’d prefer to leave this up to us, get in touch…

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Conversion Rate Optimization

Digital Marketing Resources

We use WP Engine to host our website. When we have any issues or questions, their customer service provided us with the quick, efficient and friendly service we expect. Since internet and website access are vital to our business, as it probably is to yours as well, we need a reliable yet cost-effective host provider. We are also an affiliate.

Moz is a website with both free and paid analytical tools. They can help you to analyze your social media, web links, SEO, google rankings and much more.

Quirk has a great free tool that allows you to see how any website is performing. This search status tool provides extensive search-related information in a convenient toolbar.

SEO Book is a tool we use and recommend for keyword and competitive research. They have a variety of different SEO tools available: including an SEO toolbar, a rank checker, keyword suggestion and SEO training.

If your internet speed seems slow, Speakeasy provides a free tool to test the upload and download times to various locations to help you determine the problem.

Need to find your IP address? This website can help. They can also perform IP address and Whois lookups, and teach you how to anonymize your IP address from servers.

Website Speed Testing Tools

User experience on a website is an important part of ranking organically in Google, of which the loading time is a vital part. Fortunately, there are some free tools to determine the speed of a website load time. This will allow you to diagnose and correct any problems discovered during the test. The following are a couple we like:

Google Developers have provided this tool, Page Speed Insights, to evaluate the loading speed on both computers and mobile devices.

Pingdom will determine the website loading speed on a computer.

Next Steps…

Let us assess your website traffic needs and determine the best set of website marketing programs to achieve your desired results. Please contact us in confidence by calling +1-978-482-0130 or complete our Information Request Form.