Social Media Marketing
We can help you promote your organization on social media
Social Media Marketing for Search Engine Optimization
The Worldwide Web has shifted from a broadcast platform, where organizations communicate about themselves to the world via their websites, to a dialogue, where individuals, both inside and outside the organization, carry on electronic conversations around the clock. The use of social media is exploding on personal and professional networking sites, blogs, social bookmarks, RSS feeds, user reviews and video sharing sites. No longer can an organization promote market awareness and manage its online reputation merely by publishing and maintaining a website. Today, what your customers, partners and stakeholders have to say becomes an important part of the mix.
In addition, for some time now the major search engines have been showing “blended” search results that can include items like maps based on your location or a location in your search query, videos, blogs, articles, news releases and social-media sites. All of these represent further opportunities for your company to show up in search results, as well as new ways for potential customers to find your website and learn about your organization.

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a perfect complement to your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts. SMM consists of developing and publishing content, creating links and carrying on an electronic dialogue with a community of interest. In return, SMM gives you increased online visibility, delivers more website traffic and helps you positively influence your organization’s online reputation. SMM can dramatically increase the awareness of your brand and bring prospective customers to your website.
SMM establishes multiple references and links to your website on a wide variety of web pages, blogs and other locations. People reading this content learn about your organization, and many of them will visit your website to learn more.
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Enhance Your Online Presence
Social Media Marketing
Market Vantage builds on its years of search marketing experience to offer an SEO-integrated approach to Social Media Marketing. We take our clients beyond mere content placements. Instead, we also strengthen the visibility of our clients across the spectrum of their target keywords, across multiple search properties.
Social Marketing Options
Services for All Businesses
Market Vantage offers a set of programs and resources to help organizations take advantage of the rapidly-growing phenomenon of Social Media Marketing. We help our clients navigate through this evolving landscape through consultation and coaching on best practices as well as actual implementation. Projects can be structured as stand-alone or integrated with an SEO project. We can develop custom content such as articles, video or blog posts on your behalf, or provide you with guidance for in-house development. Depending on your budget and in-house resources, we can tailor a program that fits your needs. Pricing starts at $2,500 per month, depending on your requirements for scope and speed of implementation. Our minimum engagement term for SMM/SEO is 6 months.

Best Technology in the Industry
Social Media Tools
Market Vantage leverages the spectrum of SMM vehicles, including:
- Video-sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo
- 3rd party blog sites like WordPress and Blogger, including commenting on relevant blogs
- Social bookmarking sites like Digg and Delicious
- Article repositories like EzineArticles and IdeaMarketers
- Web 2.0 publishing sites like Squidoo
- Micro-blogging tools such as Twitter
…and we can coach you regarding the networking side of Social Media Marketing, as represented by sites like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.