Devin Littlefield

Devin has been working in the marketing and advertising industry since 2012 while also pursuing his BA in Outdoor Studies at Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage. His experience includes: online advertising, search engine optimization, website development, website analytics, content strategy and development, strategic planning, consulting, and business development.

Three Things You Can Do Right Now to Boost Your Digital Marketing 

In 2024, digital marketing is not a luxury for your business—it’s a necessity. Whether you’re a small business owner, a startup founder, or part of a larger organization, optimizing your online presence can significantly impact your success.   Let’s explore three actionable strategies that you can implement immediately to enhance your digital marketing efforts.  1. Refocus …

Three Things You Can Do Right Now to Boost Your Digital Marketing  Read More

Google Deindexing March 2024 Update

Google’s Core Update Completely Deindexes Sites

Understanding the Core Update and Website Deindexing In March 2024, Google unleashed one of its most significant algorithm updates to date—the March 2024 Core Update, which resulted in massive deindexing (removing pages or entire websites from the search engine). This seismic shift left business owners, marketers, and SEO experts reeling as they grapple with its …

Google’s Core Update Completely Deindexes Sites Read More

Schema Markup

What Is Schema Markup?

In the realm of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), staying ahead of the curve is everything. One potent tool that often flies under the radar but holds immense potential for boosting your website’s visibility is Schema Markup. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what this term means and how it can significantly …

What Is Schema Markup? Read More

Hubspot Content Hub

HubSpot Content Hub: An Overview 

HubSpot’s Content Hub emerged in April 2024 as a robust solution for marketers seeking to navigate the complexities of content creation, distribution, and personalization. The Hub comprises a number of tools intended to help users build more efficient and organized content pipelines for their businesses. Let’s explore the Content Hub’s features, benefits, use cases, and limitations.  …

HubSpot Content Hub: An Overview  Read More

Google Consent Mode

Understanding Google’s Consent Mode

Google’s Consent Mode represents a fundamental shift in the relationship between the advertiser and consumer. Its new marketing controls and audience opt-in system are intended to balance power between users and the parties collecting & utilizing their data, but businesses who fail to understand its complexity will miss valuable advertising opportunities.  Digital Marketing and Privacy …

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Conversion Rate Optimization

How To Use Conversion Rate Optimization for Maximum Success 

In digital marketing, optimization strategies play a pivotal role in maintaining focus and achieving desired outcomes. Among these strategies, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a vital tool in the marketer’s arsenal. (If you’re a Chief Revenue Officer, I hope the shared initialism isn’t confusing – hopefully this info will still be useful!) If you’d prefer …

How To Use Conversion Rate Optimization for Maximum Success  Read More

Marketing Automation

Demystifying Marketing Automation: Streamlining Success in Modern Marketing

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, staying competitive requires businesses to embrace efficiency-enhancing tools. Among these tools, Marketing Automation stands out as a powerful catalyst for streamlining marketing efforts, driving engagement, and nurturing customer relationships. But what exactly is Marketing Automation, and what processes can it handle?  Understanding Marketing Automation  Marketing Automation refers to the use …

Demystifying Marketing Automation: Streamlining Success in Modern Marketing Read More

Credit Union

SEO for Credit Unions

In today’s digital age, where online presence makes or breaks businesses, credit unions face a unique challenge in standing out amidst the financial sector’s competitive landscape. Establishing a strong online footprint isn’t just about visibility—it’s about fostering connections with potential members, nurturing trust, and emphasizing the community-driven nature of credit unions.  Effective online marketing, especially …

SEO for Credit Unions Read More

Google Reviews update

Google Reviews: the November 2023 Update

On November 8th, Google rolled out a significant update to its Google Reviews platform, ushering in changes that enhance the user experience and place a greater emphasis on the quality and authenticity of reviews. These updates not only benefit consumers seeking reliable information but also empower reviewers to showcase their expertise and provide valuable insights.  …

Google Reviews: the November 2023 Update Read More

Helpful Content Update

Understanding Google’s Helpful Content Update 

Google has introduced the Helpful Content update as part of their continued effort to enhance user experience and provide valuable, reliable information. This initiative aims to elevate the quality of content available across its platforms, benefiting both content creators and consumers seeking credible information.  A big motivator for Google is the massive proliferation of AI-generated content …

Understanding Google’s Helpful Content Update  Read More