Devin Littlefield

Devin has been working in the marketing and advertising industry since 2012 while also pursuing his BA in Outdoor Studies at Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage. His experience includes: online advertising, search engine optimization, website development, website analytics, content strategy and development, strategic planning, consulting, and business development.

Is Social Media Advertising Right for Your Business?

It might surprise you to learn that the average internet user spends nearly 2 and a half hours on social media each day. Projections show that the average adult will spend 6 years and 8 months of their life on social media, which is frankly a little disturbing. What probably won’t surprise you is that social media advertising spend is […]

Is Social Media Advertising Right for Your Business? Read More

You Have a Great Website, Now What?

The aesthetics, organization, and clarity of your website are all vital components of a successful marketing strategy. You probably know that neglecting any one of these can result in visitors quickly leaving your site and a low rating from Google. But what if you’ve got a fantastic looking, beautifully organized website, and the traffic just isn’t coming in?  The good news is that you already have a great foundation to

You Have a Great Website, Now What? Read More

Does Your Website Meet Basic Accessibility Requirements?

The Importance of Website Accessibility in 2019 In October of 2019, the pizza company Domino’s was denied a hearing by the Supreme Court, leaving in place a decision by a lower court that a lack of accessibility for sight-impaired users on Domino’s website “…impedes access to the goods and services of its physical pizza franchises—which

Does Your Website Meet Basic Accessibility Requirements? Read More

Are You CCPA-Compliant?

What is the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA)? The state of California recently passed a law requiring that certain businesses “… would grant a consumer a right to request a business to disclose the categories and specific pieces of personal information that it collects about the consumer, the categories of sources from which that information

Are You CCPA-Compliant? Read More

5 Quick Ways to Improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In many business owners’ experience, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a costly and tedious process that may or may not deliver the results they want. Although SEO can certainly be time consuming, small business owners should know that it can often be a determinant factor in generating organic leads online. These 5 quick SEO tips

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LinkedIn Ad Types: Things You Should Consider

Companies tend to think of LinkedIn primarily as a resource for employee recruitment and professional connections. Although it’s certainly a great place to promote your job offerings, LinkedIn also offers several ad targeting options that make it a diverse and highly valuable platform for general advertising by B2B companies. Think about it: who better to

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