Devin Littlefield

Devin has been working in the marketing and advertising industry since 2012 while also pursuing his BA in Outdoor Studies at Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage. His experience includes: online advertising, search engine optimization, website development, website analytics, content strategy and development, strategic planning, consulting, and business development.

Building a Disruptive Brand

This year, for the first time in history, digital ads will account for half of total global advertising expenditure. Focusing on online advertising used to be a disruptive practice; now it has become necessary for success.  The continual shift to digital has created an environment saturated with advertisements, and if you’ve spent any time online, you know that they run […]

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What To Do When Your Content Marketing Strategy Isn’t Working

Did you know that the average enterprise promotes content on between 14-16 different platforms? The most prevalent content marketing strategy seems to be this: put everything everywhere; the more content and platforms, the better.   How well you execute on your content marketing efforts can affect the results of both organic search and paid traffic. People want useful content, so offering something of value in exchange for

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What Are LinkedIn Stories?

Perhaps you agree with me that LinkedIn’s new Stories feature is an odd addition to their platform. Advertisers in particular might have a hard time seeing the value of this new feature, despite the success of a nearly identical format on Instagram. Are the two social platforms just too different for it to transfer successfully? Can a feature like LinkedIn Stories really be useful on a site

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How To Increase Web Traffic

Recently, we at Market Vantage have been working on giving our website a facelift, both on page and behind the scenes. We dug up some of the search phrases people typed into Google that brought them to our site. We’ll be addressing many common SEO questions in upcoming blog posts (we’ve got plenty of other articles to help you master Google

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Why is Google Making it Harder to Add Negative Keywords?

Several months ago, Google began providing far less transparency into the actual search terms that trigger our clients’ Google ads. In the past, Google provided a complete list of every search term that had resulted in a paid click. The report showed the search terms, the number of clicks, and the sponsored keyword that triggered the ad to appear for

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Should Your Business Use a CRM?

Over the years, a wide variety of tools, from Outlook add-ons to the humble spreadsheet, have been pressed into service by organizations seeking to stay in touch with past or present customers or track prospects. One solution in vogue since the mid-1980s is the customer relationship management system, or CRM.   So, what exactly does a CRM do, and how can it help your business?    What Is a

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Google Is Changing Their Search Term Reports. How Does This Affect You?

If you’re anything like us at Market Vantage, you spend a great deal of time refining what keywords you and your clients are sponsoring in Google Ads and how much you’re bidding for them. We do everything we can to maximize conversions, and any indication that clicks for a given term aren’t converting is cause for an adjustment, even

Google Is Changing Their Search Term Reports. How Does This Affect You? Read More

Does Advertising on Google Boost Organic Traffic?

We get this question a lot. We all know that the majority of Google’s massive revenue comes from ad clicks. So, there’s a strong motive for Google to reward advertisers with higher organic listings, right?  Well, not exactly. Google charges when someone clicks your ad. If they click your organic listing instead, Google makes no money. Boosting your organic

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