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Google Reviews update

Google Reviews: the November 2023 Update

On November 8th, Google rolled out a significant update to its Google Reviews platform, ushering in changes that enhance the user experience and place a greater emphasis on the quality and authenticity of reviews. These updates not only benefit consumers seeking reliable information but also empower reviewers to showcase their expertise and provide valuable insights.  …

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Vector graphic of person holding an overly-large magnifying glass that makes the "O" is "SEO" on a computer screen

5 Quick Ways to Improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In many business owners’ experience, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a costly and tedious process that may or may not deliver the results they want. Although SEO can certainly be time consuming, small business owners should know that it can often be a determinant factor in generating organic leads online. These 5 quick SEO tips …

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Magnifying glass looking at the website analytics dashboard on a computer and phone

Google Search Rankings and Mobile-Friendly Web Sites

In February, Google announced an update to their search engine ranking algorithm that is based on whether a website is “mobile-friendly.” In their announcement, Google indicated that websites that are not considered to be mobile-friendly would suffer a negative impact in their search rankings. You can read the actual announcement here. Should you be concerned? …

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